
Adeleine Whitten
Dec 27, 20234 min read
Gen Z: The next generation of decision makers
Yesterday's marketing strategies won't work on the target audiences of today.
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Adeleine Whitten
Aug 28, 20235 min read
That job posting is BS – here's how I know
Vague descriptions, toxic environments, and a lot of empty promises — sounds like you've stumbled across a BS job.
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Adeleine Whitten
Feb 28, 20233 min read
Sorry, Google – TikTok is now Gen Z's favorite search engine
"TikTok made me buy it" has sold out more products than most paid ads — and marketers need to make big changes to keep up.
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Adeleine Whitten
Jan 25, 20223 min read
Does this email sound like my boss is mad at me?
Is the phrase “taking this offline” a threat? Hint: it might be.
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